Challenges in the Development of Green Shipping and Sustainable Energy Efficiency
Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
Makassar, October 9 - 10th, 2024
Shipping is one of the transportation sectors that has a significant impact on the environment and energy use. Therefore, it is important to develop environmentally friendly and efficient solutions in the shipping sector. This international conference aims to discuss and find solutions to challenges in developing environmentally friendly and energy efficient shipping. Some of the challenges that will be discussed include air and sea pollution, excessive use of fossil fuels, and the impact of climate change. In this conference, it is hoped that there will be an exchange of knowledge and experience between experts, practitioners and academics in the field of shipping. Apart from that, it is also hoped that collaboration will be formed to develop innovative and sustainable solutions. Through this conference, it is hoped that effective solutions can be found and can be implemented in the shipping industry to reduce negative impacts on the environment and increase energy efficiency. With environmentally friendly and energy efficient shipping, it is hoped that sustainable development goals can be achieved which will have a positive impact on the environment and society as a whole.
The primary objectives of the ICMaD are:
1. To facilitate knowledge, information and experience between researchers, practitioners, academics and stakeholders in discussing science and technology in a sustainable port industry
2. To provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, academics, and stakeholders
in building collaborative relationships and partnerships between governments, the maritime industry, academic institutions and the rest of the world in order to promote sustainable and efficient maritime development.
1. Green Shipping Technology
2. Sustainability Energy
3. Maritme Inovation and Sustainability Technology
4. Maritime Engineering
5. Maritime Environmental Protection
6. Marine Pollution
7. Environmental Care and Pollution Prevention
8. Maritime Law
9. Meteorology
1. Academics (professors, lecturers, undergraduate and graduate students)
2. Researcher, Professional dan maritime practitioner
3. Regulators and policymakers from government and non-governmental organizations,
as well as national and international development agencies.
9th-10th October 2024
Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
Head of Human Resources Development Agency, Ministry of Transportation
Director of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
Secretary of Human Resources Development Agency, Ministry of Transportation
Director General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation
Professor of The Department of Marine Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya
Chairman of Bumi Seram Alumni Corps
Director of Ocean College, Zhejiang University, China
Director of Research, Head of Maritime Energy Management, World Maritime University, Swedia
Professor RMIT University, Australia